collage (lambda print), 300×600mm

This work is a collage composed of photographs of various staircases where people are said to have jumped, arranged to form a continuous staircase.
Psychiatrist L. Binswanger discussed three modalities* that characterize schizophrenic patients, and examined universal human failures and setbacks. One of the modalities, "hubris," Binswanger likened to the point at which a mountain climber gets stuck on a rock face. "What we call psychotherapy is, after all, nothing more than trying to help the sick man "see" at what point he has become stuck."
We can only "see" the hardships and difficulties of others, but can we really imagine as close as possible to their hearts? Is that "hubris"?
*Ludwig Binswanger (1956). "Drei Formen missglückten Daseins -Verstiegenheit, Verschrobenheit, Manieriertheit" Max Niemeyer Verlag / Tübingen. (L. Binswanger (Author), T. Miyamoto (Supervisor), T. Seki (Translator). (1995). "Three forms of failed existence", Misuzu Shobo).
精神科医のL. ビンスワンガーは、統合失調症患者を特徴づけるものとして三つの様式*を取り上げ、人間にとって普遍的な挫折や失敗について考察した。様式の一つ ”思い上がり” についてを、登山者が岩壁で立ち往生してしまった地点として例えた上で、以下のようにビンスワンガーは語っている。「われわれが精神療法と呼ぶものは、結局のところ、病者を、(略) どういう地点で彼がのぼりすくんでしまったか、を見ることができるようにしむけていく以外のなにものでもない。」
*Ludwig Binswanger. (1956). “Drei Formen missglückten Daseins -Verstiegenheit, Verschrobenheit, Manieriertheit” Max Niemeyer Verlag / Tübingen. (L. ビンスワンガー (著), 宮本 忠雄 (監訳)・関 忠盛 (訳). (1995).「思い上がり、ひねくれ、わざとらしさ -失敗した現存在の三形態」みすず書房)
"Mitsubishi Corporation Art Gate Program 2021-2022: New Works by 6 Supporting Artists"
February 15 (Wed) - 26 (Sun), 2023
Daikanyama Hillside Forum | Tokyo, JPN
photo by Keizo Kioku