Snap out of it
2020 - 2023
video installation, 16 min 37 sec

I came across a description in a document about pre war hydrotherapy (douche treatment) that said, "Mental illness is caused by a boiling head, so cool the head with water," and it left a strong impression on me. Using those words as a starting point, I discussed sanity with a friend who has a mental illness.
Hydrotherapy for mental illness is recognized as an effective treatment method with modern theories and facilities. However, looking back in history, there are records of similar primitive practices worldwide, based on the idea of "cooling the head with water." This image of old "hydrotherapy" also resonates with the torturous process of "waterboarding," where confessions and thoughts are corrected.
In the absurd dialogue attempting to prove sanity or madness, we keep shouting, "Are you sane?" and "I am sane."
(This work is vastly different from the hydrotherapy currently practiced.)
戦前の水治療法(灌水籠)について書かれた文献に、”精神疾患は頭が沸騰しているのが原因だから水で頭を冷やせばいい”といった記述を見て、その言葉が強く印象に残った。 私はその言葉を起点に、ある精神疾患を抱えた友人と”まともについて”を話し合う。
"Snap out of it"
May 17(Wed), - June 4(Sun), 2023
Art Center Ongoing | Tokyo, JPN
Sep 12, - 13, 2020
Spiral Hall (SPIRAL 3F) | Tokyo, JPN
Organizer: Wacoal Art Center Co., Ltd.
Exhibition plan: SPIRAL